与章子怡分手后, 撒贝宁娶小10岁“洋媳妇”, 如今47岁, 他怎么样...

My personal desire is to promote Chinese to the world." 瞬间,场上掌声雷动。 如今撒贝宁已经47周岁,事业爱情双丰收,妥妥的人生赢家呀。 目前,两人已经育有一双龙凤胎,一家四口和乐...

3、The famous novel is said ___ into Chinese. A. to have translated B. to be translate C. to have been translated D. to translate 4、“Good-bye, Miss Liu. I’m very pleased ___.” A. to meet you B. to have met you C. meeting ...

10.My teacher asked me I could come next Tuesday to help grade the final-exam papers. A.after B.if C.that D.what 11.1 didn't buy any of the three books recommended by the s...

Professor Abdul Ghani Razaqpur is a recipient of the Chinese Government Friendship Award for his contributions to international cooperation. http://www.stdaily.com/English/...


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